The Bodywork Guide is in your inbox!
Want to kickstart your mobility habit so you can get stronger and have less pain in just 4 weeks?
The Bodywork Starter Guide has everything you need to get started with therapy ball self-massage.
But if you want to take it a step further with a full-body mobility plan that combines therapy ball massage AND strengthening AND flexibility?
…and the Mobility Mastery Toolkit can help!
No thanks, I just want the Bodywork Starter Guide. Click here for the next step.
Here’s exactly what’s covered inside the Mobility Mastery Toolkit:
How to do a push-up with proper form so your shoulders get stronger instead of hurting
The best way to pick things up without aggravating your lower back
The best exercises for foot pain, plantar fasciitis, and tight calves (not just icing!)
Why Hip Hikers are the best for making hips and IT band feel amazing
How to get tension headache relief in just 10-mins
The #1 core strengthening exercise that your warm-up is missing
How to squat in perfect form so your knees can stop aching
The go-to workday stretches that are better than that $997 ergonomic desk chair
Here’s everything that’s included:
30-days of exercises so you know exactly how to improve the flexibility and strength for your hips, lower back, feet, neck and shoulders.
Instant access to high-quality videos so you know exactly how to do each exercise with proper form. Each video will take you less than 15-mins a day so you can get back to doing what you love.
With the 4 essential stretches you can sprinkle throughout your day to help with neck, shoulder, and lower back pain. Print it out and keep it by your desk for your daily reminder!
Learn why basic stretching only yields temporary results and what you can start doing instead in this 13-page guide. No fluff guaranteed – these tips are rooted in movement science so you can get better results in less time.
Learn the proper form for push-ups, squats, and hip hinging so you can build better strength without getting hurt. These 3-minute quick bites are easy to follow and will help you break out of the injury rut.
Plus, this awesome bonus!
3-part Masterclass
Learn how to relax pain and tension in your hips, neck, shoulders, wrists, forearms, and lower back. This easy-to-follow 3-part masterclass lets you follow along with me and uncover the root cause of your tension – so you can get back to doing what you love while feeling strong and energized!
Valued at $150, this is yours, totally FREE!