
Answers to your most common questions and more!

When it comes to the body, it’s all connected

When it comes to the body, it’s all connected

Anatomy and the science of the body have traditionally been taught as a bunch of parts smushed together to make a human. The books make it seem like everything is perfectly neat, tidy and in its “correct” place and has little to no relationship to what’s happening in...

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Is Counting Steps a Waste of Time?

Is Counting Steps a Waste of Time?

When it comes to daily step count, does getting 10,000 steps a day really matter? The reason most fitness trackers use 10k as the goal step count is that you are more likely to have also logged about 5 miles and 30 minutes of exercise, which aligns with the CDC’s...

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This Simple Exercise Could Be the Fix for Rounded Shoulders

This Simple Exercise Could Be the Fix for Rounded Shoulders

Got rounded shoulders? After years of hunching over a desk, chances are that your shoulders have snuck around your ribcage, leaving you with perpetually slouchy and rounded shoulders. A simple check to see where your shoulders hang is to look at where your hands land...

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How to Stretch the Psoas and Obliques

How to Stretch the Psoas and Obliques

Most of us think only of its role as a hip flexor when it comes to the psoas. But did you know that your psoas is also closely tied to back pain? And poor posture can also create psoas tension -- which can lead to low back and hip pain? There are a million and one...

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The Problem with Scar Tissue

The Problem with Scar Tissue

The problem with scar tissue is that it’s not regular tissue at all. Scar tissue is your body’s protective response to an injury. Following the injury, whether it’s a sprain, strain, or external cut/abrasion, there is a period of inflammation that aids the healing...

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Rotator Cuff Injury? Try the Deltoid Detangle!

We spend a lot of time focusing on stretching shoulders and chest, but how often do you consider the sides of your shoulders? Your body is 3D and your fascias don’t care if they are on the top, bottom, front, back or side of you - it’s all interconnected. Even when...

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Stop Stretching Your IT Band

Stop Stretching Your IT Band

Stop stretching your IT band - its really not doing anything. While "IT band" is the name for the thickened band of connective tissue on the outside of your thigh, which supports the structures on the outside of your thigh, it's not technically a separate structure...

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Stop Rolling on Lacrosse Balls

Pop quiz time! What round object is described as “…shall be white, yellow or orange solid rubber between 7 3/4 and 8 inches in circumference, between 5 and 5 1/2 ounces in weight and when dropped from a height of 72 inches upon concrete floor, shall bounce 43 to 51...

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Zero Drop Footwear

As a barefoot aficionado, I am always looking for comfortable and functional footwear. And while I love my Uggs, it doesn’t get super cold in LA and they are not the best shoes for happy feet. Your feet were designed to support themselves, and have the soft tissues to...

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