This pup reminds me of Ella –
guaranteed to make you smile!
I have always been a glass half-full type of person. Situations just seemed more tolerable when you could hold close to the positive. Choosing to be happy to me is not an innate skill, but one that is learned and practiced. So, how do I keep my happiness muscle in shape? By practicing gratitude daily.
Ella has truly helped me to be a more grateful person, teaching me the number one exercise to remain positive – to live in the present. Here’s a great quote that has been attributed to Lao Tzu.
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.
When all else fails, try this ;)
Self-care is also a big player on the road to happiness. If you aren’t carving out the time to love yourself, how will you be able to express love to others (and the world)? It may be as simple as changing your negative self-talk to positive or starting (or maintaining) a daily self-care practice of self-massage, hot tea, quiet time, or whatever you need to stay charged. As long as you have money in your gratitude bank, you can share your joy with others.
Being able to love what you do is a huge privilege, but can be achieved by refocusing your energy. It goes back to gratitude – instead of thinking of all the ways your job annoys you, think of how many little things that can bring a smile to your face. Maybe its when the clock strikes 5, but that’s a place to start!
What do you do to stay recharged and positive?