Weekly Live Chats

November 2017

Week 1

Topics covered:

Knee joint anatomy

What does active rest mean

How to prevent knee pain for squats and lunges

Week 2


Topics covered:

How and why you should be belly breathing

How to warm up for a workout or yoga

Stretching myths – debunked!


Resources for this week:

Hamstring Stretch

Diastasis Recti: The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation by Katy Bowman

Shoulder Circles (for dynamic warm-up)

Soreness vs. injury: What’s the Difference?

Muscle Contraction Explained

Week 3


Topics covered:

Is eccentric stretching/training better than static stretching?

Best approach for a chronic injury

How to keep yourself inspired in the kitchen with recipes!


Resources for this week:

Eccentric Training Study


NKT (neurokinetic therapy)

Nom Nom Paleo – Michelle Tam

Well Fed Weeknights (Mel Joulwan)

Week 4


Topics covered:

How massage after workout will improve your NEXT workout

Why you can’t stretch your IT Band

Resources for this week:

Massage Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling After Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage.

Your IT Band doesn’t stretch. So Stop trying to.

Week 6


Topics covered:

Hydration – how much and what type?

The frequency of exercise – how much and how often?

How does massage rehydrate your tissues?

Resources for this week:

What is Fascia? [Anatomy with Alex]

Why Drink Water After Massage? Massage therapy does not flush toxins into the bloodstream, and water wouldn’t help if it did

Gil Hedley Anatomy and Dissections

Do you Really Need Electrolyte Drinks? [Anatomy with Alex]