Your Call is Booked!

Here’s what to do next…

1. Join our free Facebook group, Body Nerds right here . This is where you’ll get self-care inspiration, support, and connect with Body Nerds like yourself to learn how you can get back control of your body (and life) without pain.

2. Check your inbox for the confirmation email from me. Be sure to add the date and time of your Movement Magic Call to your calendar so you don’t miss the call. If you spot any errors (especially in your phone number), please let me know ASAP!

3. If you do need to change your appointment for any reason, please be sure to cancel the call ahead of time using the link provided in the confirmation email.

4. Check out the case study and framework videos below to learn more about what it’s like to work with me.

Talk to you soon!

“I feel like I have a superpower to stop injuries before they happen and notice when my body needs to rest…I have self-care awareness now.”

-Cybil Solyn
Self-Care Superhero

“I can relieve the pain, whether I’m feeling it in my calves, hamstrings, the scar on my chest, or feeling it in my back – I know what stretches to do to alleviate the pain, whereas before, I wouldn’t have known. ”

-Gerry Lang

Self-Care Boss

“…what I noticed when I started working out trauma, anxiety and depression through my body is that I immediately slept better. I immediately stopped having panic attacks before I went to bed at night. I immediately stopped feeling jaw pain, and shoulder pain – things that clench up when I don’t even know because I’m just anxious. I could breathe better, my mind was more focused during my mediations.

And these are all things I noticed within a week and a half and I was like ‘oh my, this stuff works!”

-Tracy Clifton

Balanced Body, Mind + Heart

The Structurally Sound Method focuses on 3 things…