Hi, I’m Alex
I’m a coach, writer, yogi, kettlebell devotee, lover of lifting heavy things and 100% a Body Nerd.
With my degree in Exercise Biology and more than a decade of training people in body-weight strength and stretch programs, I now teach people in months what took me so long to figure out: how stay out of pain while getting stronger and more flexible (without spending hours in the gym).
Feeling absolutely amazing in your body can be super simple.
Stick with me and I’ll teach you how to make body maintenance and movement mastery a fundamental part of your wellness routine…
So you can enjoy your life without pain.
My first experience with lower back pain was in college.
I was right in the middle of my exercise biology degree and working as a student athletic trainer, but book smarts didn’t help me beyond putting some ice on it.
While it was the most memorable, it wasn’t my first injury and definitely wasn’t my last.
But as I move my body with ease (and without fear), every injury has taught me more about how the body moves and how to not only heal from pain but avoid it entirely.
From IT Band syndrome, countless ankle sprains, bicep tendon dislocations, back pain, knee pain, TMJ, tension headaches and more – I’ve seen a lot.
And every injury taught me a valuable lesson – that beyond accidents, 99.9% of pain is caused by poor movement mechanics.
Getting rid of pain is as simple as learning how to move well and maintain your body and then building strength.
I’m stronger and more resilient now than I’ve ever been.
And it’s certainly not because I’m younger.
It’s possible to feel as young as you do in your head and change the unchangeable when you understand the foundations of moving well.
My mission is simple: to teach you how to make body maintenance and movement mastery a fundamental part of your wellness routine so you can have more fun and enjoy life without pain.
Whether you’re a beginner or a stretch-xpert, I have the perfect option to help you stop feeling out of control and start trusting what your body can do.
From in-person events, virtual group coaching and custom-tailored private coaching – I can help you get stronger and more flexible so you can enjoy life without pain.
Recent Press
The Body Nerd Show

236 Reversing Histamine Intolerance with Dr. Meg Mill
As someone who is currently diving deep into all things gut health-related, I am really excited to invite Dr. Meg Mill on today’s episode. Dr. Meg is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker and you might remember her from episode 195 on Hormones and...
On Skinfessional, we’re on a mission to be more honest about the real struggles, mistakes, and flat out failures that happen when you build a spa or salon business.
How to Do a Great Workout at Home
“And if you don’t have dumbbells or jugs of water or heavy books, you can just use your body weight in old-school exercises like those you did in junior high P.E. class. Alexandra Ellis, a mobility coach in Los Angeles, likes to mix core moves like crunches, planks, bicycles or leg lifts with cardio with moves like jumping lunges, burpees, jump rope, or running.”
Best Life
Top 5 Exercises to Improve Your Flexibility, According to Fitness Experts
“You can also stretch your chest using the doorways in your home, per a suggestion from Alexandra Ellis, mobility coach and wellness expert at AE Wellness LLC. “My favorite way to improve upper body flexibility is to touch the top of a doorway in my house. Pick one, and remind yourself to reach up every time you walk under it,” she recommends.”
“Focus on the basics such as planks, pushups, squats, leg lifts, or bicycles and burpees for an easy workout that will build strength and get your heart rate up. My favorite way to build a workout is to do 4 rounds of 5 exercises for 45 seconds of work, followed by 15 seconds of rest,” Ellis told Healthline.”
Architectural Digest
13 Ways to Navigate Quarantine Like a Pro
“It can be hard to step away from the news when every update feels urgent, but being mindful about media consumption can help you manage emotions and reduce anxiety. “We can’t control what’s happening in the world,” says wellness coach Alexandra Ellis, “but you can control what you allow into your mental space.”
Well + Good
The 90–90 Stretch Improves Your Hip Mobility in Just 60 Seconds
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Our favorite stretches for stress relief
My Morning Routine is Less of a Routine and More of a Mix
Yoga vs Meditation (9 Experts Share Their Thoughts)
Vital Proteins
Why you should be doing a chest and tricep workout this week
The Run Smarter Podcast
with Brodie Sharpe
Ep #263: Alexandra Ellis on Healthy Habits
Ella Go Podcast
with Lisa Marie
Women Running Series: How to Move Better with Alexandra Ellis
Relaxed Running
with Tyson Popplestone
Ep #155: Mobility & Recovery with Alexandra Ellis
A Little Bit Healthier
with Dr. Meg Mill
Ep # 37: How to Use Self Message and Why You Should Try It Alexandra Ellis
Not Your Average Runner Podcast
with Jill Angie
Ep #254: Why Running While Fat Won’t Ruin Your Knees with Alex Ellis
Not Your Average Runner Podcast
with Jill Angie
Ep #28: Self-Care 101
Own Your Truth Podcast
with Ken Cervera
Ep #3: How To Mobilize, Adapt, and Overcome
What I Live For
with Willie Gillis
Ep #22: Alexandra Ellis
Moving Well Podcast
with Nikki Naab-Levy and Janet Sunderland
Ep #3: On balancing self-care, mobility, and strength
The Better You Podcast
with Kacie Main
Ep #37: Move Better & Feel Better with Alexandra Ellis
Featured articles
Education + Training
University of California, Davis
- Bachelor’s of Science, Exercise Biology
Yoga at the Village
Glendale, CA
- 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training with Elyse Briggs and Carl Dawson
- 500 hour Teacher Training with Elyse Briggs and Carl Dawson
Silver Lake Yoga
Los Angeles, CA
- 85 hour Specialty Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training with Juliette Kurth and Leah Miller
Yoga Tune Up®
- 70 hour Yoga Tune Up® Certification course with Jill Miller
- 8 hour Therapy Ball Practitioner course with Jill Miller
- 20 hour Core Integration Immersion with Jill Miller
- 20 hour Shoulders Immersion with Jill Miller
- 20 hour Hips Immersion with Jill Miller
- 15 hour Integrated Embodied Anatomy with Sarah Court
- 8 hour Roll Model Method® Ball Sequencing & Innovation
Additional Education
- Six-Day Intensive Hands-On Human Dissection Workshop with Gil Hedley, completed in 2013
- Member of Yoga Alliance and International Yoga Therapists Association.
- Extensive experience in human anatomy gathered from cadaver anatomy laboratory and lecture at University and multiple anatomy workshops.
- CrossFit Mobility Course with Dr. Kelly Starrett, DPT of MobilityWod.com
- Six-Hour Continuing Education Cadaver Studies with California State University, Northridge Physical Therapy Dept.
- 18-hour Quantum Leap Movement Educator workshop with Sarah Court
- 12-hour Kettlebell Athletics Training with Clifton Harski
- 5-hour Regeneration Techniques to Optimize Performance with Brandon Marcello