If you’re human – you’re stressed and it probably feels like it’s only getting worse. Meditation is exercise for your brain. Not only will a regular practice reduce stress, but will also improve your focus. So if you’re feeling distracted, frazzled, and in need of a break –  Don’t grab a Snickers, sit down and meditate.

A little bit everyday is enough to maintain your body so you can forget about soreness, tension and pain. Movement Mavens is only program of it’s kind that not only teaches you how to maintain your body and move well, but also helps you craft your personalized plan so you can build sustainable strength, consistently. Learn more now at aewellness.com/mavens

 What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • What happens to your brain when you meditate
  • How to do it
  • And why it’s one of the best things you can start today for your health and physiology

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Music by: @dcuttermusic / http://www.davidcuttermusic.com