Being a Body Detective means you feel phenomenal, every day. You’re moving well, sleeping well, and most importantly, not afraid of pain. But how can you change the seemingly unchangeable and get to that point? It’s entirely possible, regardless of what your diagnosis or MRI says and on today’s episode, I’m laying out exactly how.

A little bit every day is enough to maintain your body so you can forget about soreness, tension and pain. Movement Mavens is the only program of it’s kind that not only teaches you how to maintain your body and move well, but also helps you craft your personalized plan so you can build sustainable strength, consistently. Learn more now at

 What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • What it means to be a Body Detective 
  • The 80/20 rule and why it’s the key to spending less than 15-mins a day on body maintenance
  • And the 2 most common mistakes I see people making when you’re trying to get stronger and out of pain

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Music by: @dcuttermusic /