Going from worried about surgery to pain-free in 6 weeks is not only possible – my guest today made it happen. I truly believe that you can change the unchangeable – and Lisette is a perfect example of what taking back control of your body and self-care actually looks like. 

A little bit every day is enough to maintain your body so you can forget about soreness, tension and pain. Movement Mavens is the only program of it’s kind that not only teaches you how to maintain your body and move well, but also helps you craft your personalized plan so you can build sustainable strength, consistently. Learn more now at aewellness.com/mavens

 What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • The simple way to prevent post-workout soreness 
  • How one client went from seriously considering surgery to pain-free (without having to give up her workouts) and in less than 6 weeks
  • And why trusting the simple fix is the key to getting stronger without getting hurt

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Music by: @dcuttermusic / http://www.davidcuttermusic.com