Do you snore at night? You’re not alone! Some 45% of adults snore occasionally and 25% snore regularly.
And while I fall into the occasional camp (I hope 😜), I do sleep next to someone who snores.
So, as any Body Nerd would, I’ve been wondering – what causes snoring and what can you do to help?
Because snoring isn’t always just noise – you might wake up feeling groggy, with a dry mouth, or a sore neck.
So whether you’re the snore-er or sleep next to someone who does, today’s episode is for you.
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What you’ll lean from this episode:
- Common causes of snoring
- How jaw position and neck position (and pain) are related
- And simple exercises for the tongue and face that will help manage snoring
Links mentioned:
- Easy massage for jaw pain (no equipment needed) (AE Wellness YouTube)
- Jaw Pain Self-Care Guide
- Mouth taping for sleep: A TikTok trend with merit (Dentistry IQ)
- Mouth and Throat Exercises to Help Stop Snoring (Sleep Foundation)
- Smartphone-based delivery of oropharyngeal exercises for treatment of snoring: a randomized controlled trial (Sleep and Breathing)
- Effects of Oropharyngeal Exercises on Snoring (American College of Chest Physicians)
- Clinical Implications of Mandible and Neck Measurements in Non-Obese Asian Snorers (Clinical and Experimental Ororhinolaryngology)
- 30 days to more strength + flexibility with the Mobility Mastery Toolkit
- Movement Mavens has the tools and strategy to support you on your path to enjoying life without pain –
- – Show notes, links and more
- Join the free Body Nerds FB community:
- Come hang out with me on Instagram @hollaformala :
- TikTok @ aewellness
- Bodywork Starter Guide – learn the 6 places you need to roll right now for quick-relief, plus the reason why what you’ve tried so far has only given you a temporary fix. Download the guide for free now at
- 818-396-6501 is the Body Nerd Hotline – how do you build consistency and/or where are you getting stuck? Drop me a line and let me know your body nerd hacks – you might just hear your voice on a future episode!
Today’s episode is brought to you by AE Wellness Mobility Assessments. Not sure what you should be doing for mobility? Instead of trying a bazillion things and spending hours a day, get strategic coaching with a Mobility Assessment… with me! You’ll get your personalized mobility workout plan with the best mobilizations and activations for you, plus all the videos organized in custom playlists to keep things simple. Save $50 off your Mobility Assessment when you use code BODYNERD at
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ive got another definition for snoring: choking in your sleep.
if you start looking into oral disfunction (like mouth breathing) you’ll start blowing your mind with all the ways we have oral disfunction in our society, with all the “bandaids” we put over oral disfunction instead of fixing the root issue/causes… yeah. even talking in your sleep is a sign of disfunction
something too about mouth breathing is we get TOO MUCH oxygen, which actually reduces the oxygen the body can actually use. seems crazy!
(im writing this as im listening)
yeah! for sure! this is great stuff youre talking about!
tongue ties. dont get me started!!
im going to check out these exercises! im hoping they will maybe even prepare me for a frenectomy in the future… i know that ive already been able to train my tongue to stay in the roof of my mouth, at least the parts i can get to lift, the back wont lift. so maybe this will help that too!