Scar tissue is pretty cool when you think about it. Your body has a built-in mechanism to repair and stitch itself back together after injury (or surgery).

But scar tissue isn’t anything like regular tissue. And that difference (and stiffness!) can be related to why you’re feeling so stiff after surgery.

So if you’ve had surgery recently, or it’s been years – and movement still feels like a challenge, especially around your scar?

Then today’s episode is for you!

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 What you’ll lean from this episode:

  • The different types of scars and how they form
  • Why scar tissue might be the cause of post-surgical sensitivity and pain
  • How to keep your scar tissue healthy and mobile

Links mentioned:

Today’s episode is brought to you by AE Wellness Mobility Assessments. Not sure what you should be doing for mobility? Instead of trying a bazillion things and spending hours a day, get strategic coaching with a Mobility Assessment… with me! You’ll get your personalized mobility workout plan with the best mobilizations and activations for you, plus all the videos organized in custom playlists to keep things simple. Save $50 off your Mobility Assessment when you use code BODYNERD at

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