If you’re not following @DocLyss on Instagram -you’re missing out. Dr. Alyssa Olenick holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology and is a certified sports nutritionist and Crossfit Level 1 Trainer.
Her research is focused on exercise and metabolism and how fitness status, sex, and menstrual cycle/oral contraceptive use impact this.
Now, you may remember that back in episode 111, I talked about the impact your hormones have on your workouts.
And then I came across Alyssa, who put it all into perspective with her research and actually helped simplify things. I’m still learning – and this episode is about bringing the latest science directly to you so you can all make the best choices for yourself.
Bottom line – weight training optimizes your physiology and we should all strive to be doing it a few times a week.
What that weight training looks like doesn’t matter as much as just picking up heavy stuff in good form and putting it back down.
I’m really excited to have Alyssa join me on the podcast today and I hope you enjoy nerding out with her as much as I did!
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What you’ll lean from this episode:
- How training impacts the menstrual cycle (including pre, peri and post-menopausal)
- Why you don’t need to worry about syncing your workouts to your cycle
- And why focusing on nutrition and sleep are a better bet for improving performance
Links mentioned:
- Doc Lyss Fitness website
- @doclyssfitness on Instagram
- Messy Middle Podcast
- Doc Lyss Macro Calculator
- Made app for measuring lean mass
- 30 days to more strength + flexibility with the Mobility Mastery Toolkit
- Movement Mavens has the tools and strategy to support you on your path to enjoying life without pain – aewellness.com/mavens
- aewellness.com/podcast – Show notes, links and more.
- Come hang out with me on Instagram @hollaformala : https://instagram.com/hollaformala/
- TikTok @ aewellness
- Bodywork Starter Guide – learn the 6 places you need to roll right now for quick-relief, plus the reason why what you’ve tried so far has only given you a temporary fix. Download the guide for free now at aewellness.com/bodywork
- 818-396-6501 is the Body Nerd Hotline – how do you build consistency and/or where are you getting stuck? Drop me a line and let me know your body nerd hacks – you might just hear your voice on a future episode!
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