If you’re like most of us who spend long hours in front of a computer, you’ve probably heard about blue light-blocking glasses being the ultimate solution to dry eyes, eye strain, headaches and more.

But let’s be honest, with all the hype surrounding these glasses, it’s easy to wonder if they’re worth investing in or just another gimmick.

As a self-proclaimed blue blocker enthusiast, I have to admit that even I was surprised by what I discovered in my research about blue light and eye strain.

Is it the blue light specifically that’s causing the issue or simply staring at screens in general?

So, if you’re someone who has blue blockers saved in your cart and are wondering if they’re worth the investment, today’s episode is for you.

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 What you’ll lean from this episode:

  • The science of blue light and why it’s essential for your body
  • How to work with screens without experiencing eye strain
  • Whether blue blocker glasses are as effective as they’re made out to be

Links mentioned:

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Music by: @dcuttermusic / http://www.davidcuttermusic.com