As someone who is currently diving deep into all things gut health-related, I am really excited to invite Dr. Meg Mill on today’s episode.

Dr. Meg is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker and you might remember her from episode 195 on Hormones and Headaches.

So when she reached out about today’s topic, I was instantly interested.

Especially because symptoms of mast cell activation can impact the skin with hives, rashes, or itching, the GI tract with diarrhea, bloating, nausea, and general body symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, coughing, and inflammation.

Basically, it’s a lot.

So if you’re someone who seems to struggle with a variety of symptoms that don’t fall under one umbrella, I know you’ll find our conversation super insightful.

Enjoy my conversation with Dr. Meg Mill!

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 What you’ll lean from this episode:

  • Symptoms of histamine intolerance and mast cell activation
  • All about histamines and how they can impact the body (beyond hay fever)
  • The role estrogen and progesterone play in histamine levels (and can contribute to migraines and mood swings)
  • Gut health strategies to manage histamine intolerance to reduce symptoms

Links mentioned:

Today’s episode is brought to you by Mobility Mastery Toolkit.
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