This year, I discovered a community where I least expected it. At the beginning of September, I took part in a Level 1 Yoga Tune Up® training. During the training, I felt that the timing could not be worse, I was in way over my head, and I didn’t anticipated seeing any of the people ever again. But each break we had, I enjoyed spending time getting to know another person a little more, and by the end of the 7 days, I was glad to have met each and every one of them.
Fast-forward 3 months, and I am grateful to be a part of the Yoga Tune Up® community. Every training, class, or workshop I go to is filled with the smiling faces of yoga dorks, who, just like myself, are fascinated by anatomy and biomechanics. I did not go out looking for a community of like minding yogis; I simply went to a training to further my knowledge of human movement. Looking back now, I realize that it has brought me more friends and collegues to whom I can look for advice.
There is so much at our fingertips if we are willing to open ourselves to it. And it just may be the thing you least expected. So let go of preconceived ideas and notions, and approach everything with no expecataions. You may be surprised at what you find…
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This time of year it is very easy to feel that we are lacking. Lacking in money, friends, time, and everything in between. But sometimes, what we are looking for is right under our nose.