Heard of quinoa? Have no clue how to say it? Its pronounced Keen-wah, and it’s a tiny little grain-like seed from South America. It is incredibly high in protein, and is considered a “whole protein”, since it has all of the essential amino acids your body requires. It is also high in many vitamins and minerals that your body requires. Quinoa is gluten free, and easy to digest. So instead of taking all of those processed vitamins, try supplementing your diet with some yummy quinoa. Here’s a super yummy meal to make that is full of many of the nutrients your body needs without weighing you down.

¼ c bell peppers
¼ c mushrooms
½ c Quinoa
1 c Water
1 Tbsp. Soak (or other teriyaki sauce)
¼ c Tempeh
½ avocado
1 Tbsp. Green Onions

1.     Sauté bell peppers and mushrooms in a medium sauce pan.

2.     Add the quinoa. You can toast the quinoa if you’d like, or add the water.

3.     Cover and cook according to package directions.

4.     Rough chop avocado and green onions for topping.

5.     Add tempeh to pan once quinoa is done cooking, allowing it to warm up.

6.     Add the soyaki and stir.

7.     Top each serving with avocado and green onions.  Enjoy!

Read more about quinoa here. Do you have a delicious recipe with quinoa or tempeh? Share in the comments below!