
We are in the middle of a rough holiday season. In addition to the various celebrated holidays, we have to deal with the end of the world. It truly could not come at a worse time! As I’ve been speeding through on the Holiday train, I thought I’d share a few things that I think are important to help us all survive the season.

1.     Keep up your health and wellness routine. To me, this is the most important one of all. If you do yoga, keep going to class. If you go to the gym, keep going to the gym. If you walk, keep walking! These wondrous activities will keep your energy levels up (helping to deal with crazies at the mall) and will also help to keep your metabolism up to burn off all of that eggnog you’ve been drinking.

2.     Find time for yourself. There is nothing like endless shopping, overeating, and family all up in your grill to really push a person’s buttons. We each have some combination of the three during this time of the year and we can’t afford to blow a fuse. Can you imagine Aunt Sally’s face if you lost it when she asked you to pass the cranberries!? To help you from losing your marbles, make some time for your self. Whether its just 10 minutes in the morning before everyone gets up for a cup of coffee or taking the time to get away from everyone for a few moments of quiet, spending sometime by yourself to do something YOU want to do will help you to keep your sanity.

3.     Remember it’s not about the material things. As much as the retailers want you to think that your loved one will only remember Christmas if you give her that diamond bracelet she never knew she wanted, at the end of it all – its not about the stuff. The stuff will just gather dust and crowd up our living spaces as soon as February rolls around. This season is for spending time with those you love. Whether they are family by blood, or because you love them more than your biological family, we should all take this time to be grateful for those who support us.

4.     Don’t spread yourself too thin. This includes spreading yourself thinly with money, time, or patience. Remember that life is all about balance – and doing something you can’t actually support will throw you off balance. Don’t have the fat wallet to support gifts for every family member? Make coupons for chores you can help them with around the house (PS any couple with kids LOVES babysitting ones!). Don’t have time to make a big fancy dinner? No one will care that you have store bought food or catered – and if they do, its time to give them the boot! Remember – this time of year is to be grateful for what you have, not to worry about what you should be doing!

Hopefully you have a wonderful next couple of weeks and can even squeeze in some relaxation time. And in case you forgot, if you have a case of the “I’ve been hunched over wrapping presents or cooking for too long” syndrome, yoga class is an excellent remedy ;). Happy Holidays Yogis!