It is far too easy to pass judgment on others and assume they are one way based on a very limited view of them. We do it all the time, sometimes without even being aware of it. One of the Yoga Sutras says “when the mind is free from clouds that prevent perception, all is known…” p.213 Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice, T.K.V. Desikachar. I like to think of the clouds as our preconceived notions and values that we use to sum up others. Like clouds, they are just a little hazy, but can be seen through. Are you strong enough to be the winds or sun that chases the clouds away? Through our yoga practice, we work to be present in our thoughts, and more aware of the hazy clouds that are in the way. We work to be observers of our thoughts and actions, so the next time you have a thought (good or bad) about someone else, you can pause and think “Is this true? Or is my thought just cloudy today?”
The more time I spend in the yoga community, I am awestruck by the number of amazing people that surround me. It is a community (for the most part) of people who are so grateful for what they have and those they share it with. This is the community that you too can be a part of by coming to class. When I thank everyone at the end for making it to class, I mean it. Without a class to teach, I’m just another quack talking to myself!
Have you have a wonderful experience with your yoga community? Share below in the comments!