What motivates you to do the things you do? Is it for you or an external someone/something? We all have a driving force that keeps us on our path, but are you on board with what is happening?

While we can get bogged down with the day to day, I think it’s very important to have an idea of why you do what you do. This involves goal setting, planning, and being aware of what is driving you to want to achieve your goals. This isn’t a one-time task, as hopefully you continue to check in and create new goals as you achieve what you previous set.

My motivation for thinking of motivation was brought on by current events. When I think of terrible people in this world doing terrible things to others, I wonder what drives them? And on the other hand, what motivates someone else to give all that they can to help others in need?

My goal each and every day is to trust the process, whatever it may be, knowing that as long as my intentions are pure, I am where I need to be. It has proven time and time again that everything happens for a reason, both good and bad, but as long as I can learn from each situation, then I will move forward on my path (to world domination? Jk!!).

Some days I don’t know what the ultimate goal is, and all I have is to focus on the small ones, getting specific tasks done, simply completing a workout, or finally getting my personal yoga practice in. At other times, I get a glimpse of a slightly larger picture, and work towards that. But I think the key is to be fluid about your goals and your life. Don’t settle for one thing, which is not to say that you need to change jobs every two months, but always be open to the bigger picture. Perhaps where you are now is just a step towards the ultimate goal.

I am thinking of goals and motivation this week as I just began the required steps to volunteer with Therapy Dog Ella at a local continuation high school. Some of the students are in a residential program, and are mandated by the courts to stay there, while others are able to go home each night. But all of us need some unconditional furry love, regardless of the circumstances, and this is what I hope Ella can bring for them. It seemed to be a very unique type of therapy option, and one that I am very excited to begin! I am sure there will be more on that subject later…;)

Carve some time out for yourself so that you can evaluate your goals and motivation. Maybe you are able to find some quiet time or maybe it is just in the car during your commute home, but I challenge you to come up with something! I am confident you will be glad you did =) Have a wonderful Wednesday!