Have you ever set a super lofty workout goal like “I’ll go to the 6am spin class every week!”.
But then the day comes, your alarm goes off at 5am and the LASTTTTT thing you want to do is crawl out of bed?
What if instead of punishing yourself with workouts, they were actually fun?
Having a rock solid plan in place is the key to getting your workout done even when it feels too hard.
Even when you’re too tired to stretch and do some bodywork.
Because we both know you’ll feel better in the end.
This is why I created Movement Mavens – so you can have an easy to follow personalized plan. You come home and you don’t have to think about it. You just do it.
You no longer get thrown off course by travel, sickness, or relatives from out of town who just won’t leave.
Your amplifyU plan becomes your new go-to. It’s the 15-min chunk of your day that will get you stronger, more flexible and help you feel amazing on the regular.
Plus, you have a team of Body Nerds that have your back so you keep going, even when quitting feels easier.
And I’ve got news for you, just because you’re another year older, does NOT mean you have to accept aches and pains as the new normal!
When your body feels stronger, more flexible and you don’t have those nagging aches and pains, you’ll spend more time moving with joy and ease.
You’ll take your trip, instead of worrying how much pain the long travel will create.
You’ll go on more hikes with your family because you can stop worrying about “overdoing it”.
When you join us for Movement Mavens, you’ll get your personalized amplifyU plan – which is your unique roadmap with exactly WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and HOW MUCH you need to do on a weekly basis to keep getting stronger and more flexible.
When you have a plan, you don’t have to think about it – you just get it done.
Whether you’re in pain now or just feel a twinge from time to time – Movement Mavens will help you stay out of pain, for good.
Movement Mavens is your personal wellness coach and super supportive cheer squad all rolled into one. It’s the culmination of my personal practice, work with clients, and over a decade in the therapeutic wellness space.
Because I know that when you feel strong and confident, you’ll spend less time thinking about your body and more time living your life to the fullest.
So, what will it be? If you’re tired of feeling ho-hum and don’t want to accept that getting older means you have to slow down or stop moving, then join us inside Movement Mavens and make shift happen! I have closed the doors to taking new members, but we do have a wait list for when it re opens.
>> You can learn all about Movement Mavens and save your spot on our wait list right here <<
Movement Mavens is 100% for you if you…
💫 Need a personalized plan so you know exactly what to focus on to build strength and flexibility
💫 Frustrated with playing catch up and want to feel amazing in your body, every single day
💫 Want coaching and support so you don’t have to go it alone
💫 Are ready and willing to do the work to maintain and improve all aspects of your wellness
💫 Want regular updates and training to keep you motivated and inspired
💫 Like piña coladas and getting stuck in the rain