I want to introduce you to my friend Cybil, who has been a one-on-one client for a while now.

Cybil is an esthetician, so being on her feet and using her body daily are a must. While she’s really good about keeping up with her self-care, I was surprised when Cybil hobbled in after a week of extra travel and heavy moving.

Her excruciating pain was starting to get in the way of her work and even forced her to stop her workouts for the week.

In our session, we worked together to come up with a plan that would get her out of pain in the moment AND help her stay out of pain for good.

Because it’s one thing to have the tools on hand but it’s a totally different ballgame to really understand HOW to use them so you know WHAT to do when you’re in pain.

Because life happens – accidents can happen – and being prepared and proactive will get you back to what you love way faster than constantly chasing your pain and having to be reactive 24/7.

You don’t have to take my word for it – click here to watch Cybil in her own words about how she became her own Self-Care Superhero and how she now “…[has] a superpower to stop injuries before they happen.”

Watch our conversation here.

And if you’re tired of playing catch up to your pain – let’s talk. Click Here and let me know what’s going on…I’ll reply back and let you know what I think your next step could be.

PS Ready to get out of pain and get back to your life? Here are 2 ways I can help you right now:

1. [LAST CHANCE!] Join me for a week of reconnecting with your less frazzled, grounded and calm self on my 2019 Adventure + Wellness Retreat March 2-9, 2019. There’re only a few rooms left…get all the details and request to book here.

2. Want to know exactly what to do to get out of pain now? Book a call with our team today and get clarity on where to focus your self-care energy. Let’s get you on the fast track to waking up every day, pain-free. (It’s 100% possible 😉): AEwellness.com/call