I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like being told what to do.

Even if I know the something is good for me and the someone telling me to do it loves me, it still annoys me.

And I don’t think I’m alone.

Which is why when clients tell me that they used to go on daily walks with a spouse or significant other but then they stopped. Or that they would really like for their SO to be more movement minded, but they just don’t seem to listen…

I tell them this: The best way to encourage those around you to adopt a healthier lifestyle that incorporates more movement is to lead by example.

Invite them to join you for an evening walk and use it as an opportunity to catch up on each other’s day.

Give others permission to sit on the floor with you simply by being the first person to break that awkward barrier and just do it.

It can be scary to be at the front of the path, blazing the trail solo while you hope that your loved ones will follow. But as the space between you grows wider, they’ll catch up. Because no one wants to be left behind but sometimes you have to be the one to take the first step.

This is why having a community of fellow people who support you 100% in your movement goals and dreams is so important. If you’re not surrounded by movement minded people in your own life, finding your tribe of Body Nerds who will be so stoked on your pull up progress or help you brainstorm ways to fit your daily walks into the equation is so important. It can get lonely when you’re leading by example – so surround yourself with others who are doing the same to keep your motivation going.

Surrounding yourself with people who have big dreams, just like you, not only removes any limit to what you thought was possible but also keeps you moving forward, no matter what obstacles come up.

Are you ready to find your tribe? I’m looking for 12 women who want to hit the reset button on the adventure of a lifetime this March in Puerto Vallarta. Is this your year to get stronger, more flexible and finally deal with those nagging injuries that you’ve been struggling with for so long?

Then let’s talk – click here to send me an email and let me know why you’re ready to take back control of your health and I’ll send you more info!

PS Ready to get stronger with every movement you do? Here are 3 ways I can help you now:

  1. Join the AE Wellness Body Nerds and connect with other busy women on a quest to get stronger and wake up every day without pain.
  2. Join me for my next online class, Movement Managed and learn how to get stronger and more flexible without hurting yourself in the process.
  3. Book a free Movement Magic session and get a personalized plan for getting stronger, more flexible and pain-free. Want to trust your body and it’s ability to move without creating an injury? Do you need accountability so that you don’t start and stop something…again? Let’s talk. Tell me a bit about what’s going on and schedule your call here.