My vulnerability is my strength. Far too often we think that we have to “save face” and keep a brave face when things get tough. I feel this pressure especially as a movement educator/group fitness instructor. With social media documenting every moment, each thing that is shared is so highly curated. One Instagram may have taken 50 shots and multiple rewrites before it was published.

I always strive to be ME. I still don’t understand when people can’t believe I eat meat (I’m a yogi right? Shouldn’t I be a vegan?), or that I workout 24/7 and never am injured – all of which are untrue.
As I write this, I have fallen off my Whole30 wagon (been on the road for 12 days and traveling sucks), haven’t worked out for two weeks and have sore shoulders from carrying suitcases, backpacks and the Drool Model. And it’s OK.

It’s ok to admit we’re human, even in public on social media or a blog. Just because I stand in front of people and make a fool of myself multiple times a week, doesn’t make me different, it just means I enjoy an audience ;)

I was getting jealous of reading status updates online about all the healthy food and kickass workouts my friends were having and had to take a step back to think. I am doing all that I can in this moment, and that IS ENOUGH.

I like to think my students appreciate that I teach from a place of knowing and experience. That the techniques of exercises I teach them are because they have helped me through stress or injuries. It happens to all of us, we are humans, you know ;)

So, if you ever feel less than or that you have to hide your struggles or be ashamed, remind your self this simple mindset: My vulnerability is my strength.