193 Vagus Nerve & Relaxation

193 Vagus Nerve & Relaxation

Raise your hand if you’re stressed 🙌 Honestly, even if you don’t feel super stressed, your physiology still does. Spending time inside, under artificial lights, staring at screens, only to go outside and get into your car and drive around is incredibly...
190 Help for TMJ Pain

190 Help for TMJ Pain

Not all jaw pain is TMJ – but there can be lots of issues here from muscular tension and pain to arthritic changes in the joint. The more you can understand HOW the temporomandibular joint actually functions, the better decisions you can make about what the next...

Sometimes pain isn’t physical

I strongly believe that self-care should address your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. And while I focus on the physical parts more often than not, sometimes our pain isn’t purely physical. Sometimes pain and stress manifest in the form of constant...