Have you ever started a new self-care or wellness habit only to burn out and quit 10 days later? Or maybe, you start a new workout routine, but 2 weeks in and you’re so sore you can barely move and perhaps even battling a cold?

You are not alone.

In fact, most of you whom I’ve had the pleasure of getting to talk to on webinars or Movement Magic calls have shared with me some variation of the “I tried X but it didn’t work for me because of…”.

I’ll be honest – I’ve struggled to start up some habits that I know will be beneficial in the long run. I’d love to be the person who meditates every single day, but no matter how hard I try, it just isn’t the case.

So, what’s keeping us from becoming the person who does all the wellness things?

Honestly, I think it comes down to one thing: over-committing without a plan.

When it comes to my daily meditation habit, I like the idea of meditating every single day for a year, but the reality is that the thought of even venturing into something like that makes me want to quit while I’m ahead so I don’t have to report failure.

Perfectionism is a bi*$h, isn’t she?

I’ve shared with you before how I don’t “exercise” in the traditional sense every day and I truly think that your self-care is no different.

Done (occasionally) is better than perfect.

So I’m 100% ok with meditating a few times a week because I know that even the few times that I sit down and breathe quietly for 10 mins is literally changing the structure of my brain.

A few years ago, when I was still in the process of getting into the groove of my self-care and wellness, I worked with a coach to create a workout plan for me that I could stick to. Once I knew exactly what my body needed on a weekly basis to feel strong, grounded and maintain my flexibility, I left the nest to go out on my own.

A plan not only gives you the framework for what areas to be focusing on but will also ensure that you cover all your bases.

And if you find that even with a plan, you’re still finding it super difficult to keep with it, chances are you might be missing some pieces of the puzzle. You can’t separate your mind from your body….but I’ll save that for another post. 😉

So, if you want to create a plan, then I’d love to speak with you! Join my Facebook community at Pain Free Every Day Group and get involved. 

Hope to see you in the group and share with you all my strategies for starting and keeping your self-care going…for good!