by | Feb 5, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility, Posture |
When your back hurts, moving without pain feels impossible. When I got hurt this summer, the only way I could move was if I pretended I had a broomstick tied to my back – aka not at all. If it wasn’t for my weirdly dexterous toes, my socks, purse, and cell phone...
by Alexandra Ellis | Jul 23, 2018 | Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix |
If you’ve ever had an upper back massage, you’ve probably felt the lumps and bumps, commonly referred to as “knots”. But what are these really? Remember when I wrote to you about the super important body fabric called fascia? Trigger points, knots and adhesions all...
by Alexandra Ellis | Jul 9, 2018 | Main Blog, Mobility, Posture |
Have you heard the claim that “sitting is the new smoking”? While it may seem a bit dramatic, it’s not entirely untrue. The claim comes from recent studies that have shown that a sedentary lifestyle (aka not moving) can lead to an increased risk for certain cancers,...
by Alexandra Ellis | Apr 16, 2018 | Main Blog, Posture, Resources, Self-Care Fix |
Got rounded shoulders? After years of hunching over a desk, chances are that your shoulders have snuck around your ribcage, leaving you with perpetually slouchy and rounded shoulders. A simple check to see where your shoulders hang is to look at where your hands land...
by Alexandra Ellis | Mar 26, 2018 | Main Blog, Mobility, Posture |
NPR recently did a story on how the art of the hip hinge has been lost on Americans and is probably why so many of us suffer from back pain. The hip hinge, if you are not familiar, is a movement that involves bending at only the hips (not the waist) and requires the...
by Alexandra Ellis | Jul 28, 2017 | About Me, Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix |
With the rise of sedentarism in our culture, many desk heights are also seeing a rise. It’s been said that “sitting is the new smoking” and while standing at your workstation isn’t a cure-all, it can help you to log more movement throughout your day. Sitting in itself...
by Alexandra Ellis | Apr 4, 2017 | Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix |
When it comes to hip, knee and low back pain, the major muscles present (and blamed for issues) are the quadriceps and hamstrings. This makes sense as the rectus femoris, one of the 4 quadriceps muscles, crosses at the hip and assists with hip flexion and the...
by Alexandra Ellis | Dec 20, 2016 | Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix |
In my previous article, Why Does My Jaw Hurt, I described the anatomy behind TMJ and jaw pain and how Forward Head Posture/Text Neck can be a contributing factor. Does it seem too hard to believe that your posture is affecting your jaw pain? Your jaw doesn’t live in a...
by Alexandra Ellis | Dec 5, 2016 | Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix |
aka What is TMJ? Maybe your jaw has been clicking for some time. Or you’ve had jaw tenderness and neck pain for just a few weeks. When you consider that we move our jaw upwards of 20,000 times a day while eating, chewing and talking, it can be scary when it becomes...
by Alexandra Ellis | Jun 8, 2016 | Main Blog, Posture, Self-Care Fix, Video |
Cars and the freedom they provide us are a huge part of American culture. In many cities, including LA, public transportation is not a viable option to get you around the vast city. If you’re like me, you may be spending 10-13 hours a week in the car – and your...