by | May 14, 2019 | About Me, Confidence, Fitness, Main Blog |
A decade in the wellness industry has shown me there’s no shortage of people telling you what to do for your body – but how many of us are doing more than basic stretching and foam rolling? Layer on top of that how incredibly busy you are, and it’s...
by | May 7, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility, Self-Care Fix |
Sometimes the life of an entrepreneur seems glamorous – I get to make my own hours, wear yoga pants and take breaks whenever I want – but it does have some drawbacks. For starters, Mr. Kitty and Ella don’t laugh at the stupid memes I find or want to...
by | Apr 16, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility, Wellness |
I think we can agree that the internet has no shortage of information available – but what the heck are you supposed to do with it all? Just a quick Google search of “stretching for lower back pain” will yield you about 37,700,000 results. So how do you know...
by | Apr 2, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility |
Do you remember a time where your decisions weren’t made based on your pain? Where you didn’t choose the day’s activity based on how good your knees or back felt that day? Maybe you don’t even have the option to chose – because your job demands that your body is...
by | Mar 26, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Video, Wellness |
In any given week, I’ll do at least 2 high-intensity interval workouts and about a million and one walks with my dog. I choose to sit on the floor when I can and stretch if my body tells me I need it. And that’s it. No cardio only days, treadmill workouts, extra lower...
by | Mar 20, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility, Video |
I have a confession – I don’t stretch on a regular basis. 😱 We can all agree that stretching is good for maintaining flexibility, so why don’t I do it? First of all, I am hypermobile, aka my body is inherently flexible beyond normal ranges already. For...
by | Feb 19, 2019 | Confidence, Fitness, Life, Main Blog, Mental Wellness, Mindset, Wellness |
Every Thursday, I walk the mile to my Dad’s office so we can have lunch together. But on a recent Thursday, I found myself at my computer working before our lunch session instead of my usual coaching and workout. I ended up getting a lot of work done in the 90 mins or...
by | Feb 5, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mobility, Posture |
When your back hurts, moving without pain feels impossible. When I got hurt this summer, the only way I could move was if I pretended I had a broomstick tied to my back – aka not at all. If it wasn’t for my weirdly dexterous toes, my socks, purse, and cell phone...
by | Jan 29, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Mindset, Mobility |
One of the most common things I hear from potential clients is that they would focus on their self-care but have to wait until the “kids are older” or “off to college”. As the proud mom of two fur babies, I can’t say I totally understand because my animal children are...
by | Jan 4, 2019 | Fitness, Main Blog, Wellness |
Strength is… // Never wondering if your body will get you where you want to go. // Not questioning if you’ll finish the hike with a smile on your face, or drag yourself out on sheer willpower. // Never spending 3 days on the couch paying for the fun you had roller...